Unfortunately, it doesn't currently have a feature that shows its progress and notify on screen when all applicable tasks are complete. I'd like to try and achieve this via PS/Batch due to the fact that we are using ManageEngine Desktop Central Cloud as the Desktop Management Platform. quit and delete itself (and autorun at logon)Ĭurrently the best way I have found to get the data I need in the way I need is by using a small utility called Nirsoft UninstallView Opens a new window, with this command line: It could then be set to auto-rerun itself every x seconds/minutes to detect further installations that have occurred since last run. On the first run, the script executes and shows the current status of software installed. It will open on every logon and keep refreshing itself until it shows that all "required" software has been detected as installed. Technicians can then proceed with the next phase of build/handover process to the end user. Once all the software to check for is "GREEN", there could be a message on-screen to alert the technicians that all required software is now installed. Perhaps it could be colour-coded, so that software that is currently "not-detected" shows as RED text, and "detected" software shows as GREEN.

It should be customizable to add new applications to check for. I would like to design a script that will query the local system to check whether a custom list of software is installed yet or not.

First-time post from me, so please go easy on me!